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Kirkan Wind Farm

Why Kirkan?

Coriolis Energy have identified the Kirkan site as having good potential for a wind farm for the following key reasons:

  • A large area with no environmental or landscape designations
  • Sparsely populated, with substantial separation from nearby dwellings and settlements
  • Relatively contained zone of visual influence owing to surrounding terrain screening
  • Easily accessible from the trunk road network
  • Significant potential for a positive contribution to local communities and environment

What is currently being proposed?

Number of turbines:                 up to 19

Maximum height of turbines:   up to 175m to blade tip 

Capacity of each turbine:        up to 4.8MW

In addition to the turbines, important infrastructure such as an onsite substation, access tracks and underground cabling form key components of the proposed wind farm. The potential for energy storage is also being evaluated.

kirkan wind farm